NIfTI-MRS Software
This page provides a list of software compatible with NIfTI-MRS.
Conversion to NIfTI-MRS from other data formats is primarily provided by spec2nii (Github).
To convert images acquired with MRS data we recommend dcm2niix (Github).
I/O libraries
A number of NIfTI libraries are available and suitable for working with NIfTI-MRS. Many of these are utilised for the minimal code examples contained in the NIfTI-MRS repository.
# |
Language |
Link |
1 |
2 |
Matlab |
3 |
Python |
4 |
MatlabR |
A NIfTI-MRS visualiser is available using FSLeyes combined with the dedicated FSLeyes MRS plugin.
MRS analysis
The following analysis packages are known to be compatible with NIfTI-MRSI